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Therapy for Relational Trauma and Complex Trauma 

Relational trauma is psychological trauma that occurred in relationship.

Let's back up. What is trauma? Psychological trauma is the result of experiencing life-threatening fear and emotional pain, without the support of another human being. Pain is a natural part of life, and we all experience hurt in relationship now and then. Two protective factors that can prevent a painful experience from becoming traumatic are: the ability to escape or put an end to an actual threat (carry out the nervous system's fight/flight response), and the ability to get emotional care during or soon after the event. 

Physiologically, trauma results in a nervous system response that is triggered in similar situations going forward. This can feel like reacting with sudden, strong emotional responses that might feel out of control or seem out of proportion to the current situation. The body might be remembering something similar that once caused pain, and the nervous system jumps to action, offering its practiced strategies for survival (fight, flight, freeze, fawn). 

Relational trauma in childhood can look like experiencing abuse, neglect or abandonment in an early attachment relationship (with a parent or caregiver). The trauma becomes complex if it is repeated or ongoing. Complex trauma can also be visualized like a tree, with roots of relational trauma in childhood, and later branches of symptoms activated while experiencing dysfunctional dynamics in an adult/partner relationship.


Because the wound occurs in relationship, that is also where healing happens. Relational psychodynamic therapy helps us process past experiences, and uses our interactions in the present therapy relationship to work through relational trauma. Nervous system education and parts work can also help traumatized individuals feel empowered to understand their own experience and rediscover their embodied sense of self. 

Recommended Reading

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