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Outdoor Therapy


The outdoor therapy that I offer is just that: therapy outside! We meet at a park and have the same style of therapy session we would in the office or via telehealth. We might "walk and talk" or sit in camp chairs. I started offering this simple alternative to telehealth during the pandemic, in order to create access to all the benefits of in-person therapy, which include a more embodied experience of your therapeutic journey as well as deeper connection and coregulation in the therapeutic relationship.


Additional benefits of outdoor therapy:

Mental health benefits of spending time in the fresh air, nature, near trees or bodies of water:

lowers stress and anxiety

grounding to nervous system

boosts mood

reduces loneliness

improves self-esteem

enhances creativity

increases attention and memory

decreases symptoms of depression

decreases distress related to ADHD

increases connection to body

increases connection to earth


We can meet at a park with ADA parking, a paved path, and seating available. During session we may walk, sit, or engage in an experiential activity.

Please note that if you're interested in outdoor therapy, we will begin with traditional therapy in the office or telehealth, and treatment may require both.

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